Presentations by:
Mr. Andreas Chrysostomou, Resort General Manager – on current developments and future plans for AH
Mr. Boris Zilbermints – on AHRA achievements, future plans and budget
Mr. Bill McPherson - on Resort Security Issues
Mr. Dave McMahon – on Resort Technical Issues
Mr. Ray Smith – on Resort Green Areas issues
Ms. Katerina Panagidou, Resort Chief Accountant – on “Security and Sewage” debt collection measures
An Introduction from Aphrodite Hills Management

GM – Mr. Andreas Chrysostomou
Our Goal
The accomplishment of our founders’ initial vision, to become the best Golf Resort in Europe, has become a reality back in 2018 when we received the great title “European Golf Resort of the Year 2018”. Since then, we have been working closely on an even greater goal, to become
Europe’s Best Sports & Leisure Destination.
Update on Security
- What improvements have been made to make Aphrodite Hills (AH) more secure since 2021?
- How has AHRA been able to help the security team?
- What can owners do to secure their property and discourage burglars from preying on the resort?
- What further improvements can be made to enhance security for us all?
Constant improvements since 2018

Since the formation of AHRA in 2021
In mid 2021 we faced a number of serious incidents with 7 burglaries in a relatively short space of time.
Dimitris and I , worked closely with BRINKS and the Aphrodite hills resort managment to conduct an extensive review of the available cctv footage, both from the control room and from individual properties.
Together we were able to identify the entry points for the burglars, and their modus operandi once on the resort.
This Involved an extensive review of hours of cctv footage. In addition, we identified ‘blind spots’ on the resort which required additional cameras. (picture one of our many remote cameras)
There is now a greatly improved coverage of the approaches used by the burglars, all of which is monitored from the control room.
We try to learn the lessons from each and every incident and then make improvements . In both hardware and procedures.
Criminal apprehended 29/04/2023
Some Key Lessons Learned
- Do not leave large sums of cash or jewelry in the house.
- Always set alarm even when out for short time.
- Always check that windows and doors are closed and secured before leaving the property.
What can you do to help the security effort?
Please remain vigilant. Be prepared to ask strangers on the resort if you can help them. If you have concerns please call the security number at the control room 26 828060.
For those properties with alarms please ensure they are activated as soon as the property is vacated either by the owner or by a renter. If you do not have an alarm then consider asking your provider to install one. In the case of AHRA, Mr Neophytou 99 107004 is ready to provide free alarm surveys covering both alarms and cctv systems. The systems can be connected to the AH security control room. There have been very few incidents of burglaries at properties with activated alarms.
Where there are dark areas on your property the installation of motion sensors which trigger lighting are a great deterrent for burglars.
Review your doors and locks. The installation of magnets to doors and windows, which are linked to the alarm, are a worthwhile investment.
Be a good neighbor and look out for properties near to you.
What next for security?
There is no doubt that the security on the resort has been improved greatly by our joint effort with Brinks and Aphrodite hills management .
Neighboring and distant resorts and villages have suffered much more than in 2022 and so far in 2023.
We cannot relax our vigilant and there is still a lot of that individual owners must do in order to maintain or improve standards.
We need more cctv coverage in remote and isolated properties.
If we relax we could pay a high price both individually and in terms of the reputation of Aphrodite Hills as a safe place to live or enjoy a holiday.
Breaking News
Mr and Mrs Monks have decided to donate 5.000€ towards the cost of a Mavic 3 Drone after suggested by our security team.
- To be used at night when an intruder has been spotted on the resort.
- Infrared /Heat sensitive
- Operates at 120 ft Level
- Will be licensed by the appropriate authorities.
The objective is to identify contain and apprehend the intruder, then hand over to local police.
Green areas maintenance (Ray Smith)
Resort’s green areas maintenance have for a long time been contracted to a JV between Green Forest and AH Management.
In 2021 the contract expired and AHRA persuaded AH Management not to bid because of a potential conflict of interest.
A new contract was put for tender by Kouklia with a Terms of Reference input from AHRA.
In August 2022 after two years of prevarication Kouklia awarded a new contract to Green Forest for the maintenance of Aphrodite Hills green areas.
Following consultation with Kouklia Council, Green Forest and AH Management AHRA was given supervision/management of the contract.
In view of the fact that the green areas have been badly neglected for years, we have now agreed working practices with Green Forest.
The following, although not extensively, are some of the main areas requiring attention:
A bi-monthly schedule of works for all areas has been prepared. Hedges will be pruned to set width and height limits. Initially the cut of some may look unsightly but new growth will soon return then to a more aesthetic appearance.
All dead plants/trees will be removed and replaced with new. This work has already been completed on Agapinoros Avenue.
An irrigation technician is available at all times to repair leaks and damage.
All manual valves will gradually be replaced with automatic controllers.
All areas are to be free of pruning debris.
Plants/trees will be fertilised as necessary, a record log will be maintained.
The public green spaces will be kept clean and free of weeds throughout the year.
Following years of neglect there is much work to be done but we are off to a reasonable start.
We expect considerable improvement after each bi-monthly cycle.
For our first project we are in negotiation with Green Forest and Koulkia Council to renovate and showcase the roundabout at the top of the resort entrance road.
Any constructive comments re our green areas are welcome. Please write to the AHRA website and/or to AHRA Vice-Chairman Mr. Ray Smith (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Water Resources and Supply to AH (Dave McMahon)
Main water supply to AH until December, 2022
Borehole Diarizos River.
Now borehole water blended with desalination water to soften water and treated water from the Asprokremmos WTW at Anarita.
Blended water pumped to storage tank, 500 mᶾ, above Kouklia.
Gravitates to the Kouklia pumping station on hill at back entrance.
200mm / 3.000m to AH storage tank 3000 mᶾ above Orpheus village.
200mm to 50mm pipe line 12.500 mᶾ distribution mains round resort.
Irrigation water for the golf course and village communal gardens is grey water from the Sewage Treatment plant and the dam canal system.
- Potable Water Hardness – now improved
- Increasing demand – new properties on Resort
- Security and Resilience of Kouklia pumping station
- Communication from Kouklia of interruptions to supply
- Continuing delays in the pipework cross-connection to the Eastern Plateau
Water Resources – Pafos Water storage now 75% full, down from 96% a year ago.
Water Hardness
A water softening system at the AH water tanks has not worked for a number of years.
Total Water Hardness has been 406Mg/l.
Blending of Desalination, Treatment and borehole water has reduced water hardness to 174Mg/l.
Generally in Cyprus, hardness of water is 200 Mg/l to 400 Mg/l – very hard water.
AH Water Increasing Demand
Kouklia pumping station – cross- connection to pumps completed in April.
Flow increase to the water tanks 75 to 87 m3/hour – 14% increase.
AH Water Main Distribution
-Very long single length of main round the Resort one way water feed
-Link from above Orpheus Village to connect to main on ravine road
-Planned for 2 years+
-Creates more of a ring main which has big benefits
-Having a water back feed option, means less interruption to supply
-Minimise the properties without water
-Spate of bursts currently
-Keeping the network with stable pressures is key to reducing incidents
-Cross- connection is key to this
AH Sewerage Treatment Plant
-Underground near the main entrance
-Activated Sludge Treatment Plant – 2000m3 a day capacity
-The activated sludge process treats sewage using air and a biological floc
-Tertiary treatment to provide the irrigation water
-The sewerage system for AH includes 10 pumping stations
-Mekel are undertaking efficiency and upgrade works to the plant
-Additional stream for the extra sewerage from new development
-Efficiency work to replace the blowers with variable speed units to run at the required oxygen level, saving energy and wear on the units
-Replacement of the switchgear due to failure risk
-Tendering for the installation PV panels on the roof is in process
Aphrodite Hills 2023 Budget preparation
-Kouklia has started preparation of the 2023 Budget, which needs to be submitted to the Paphos District Office by mid November.
-AH is to provide its proposal for the resort’s expenditures by the end of October.
-Budget for 2022 can be reviewed at
-Unfortunately, due to complete inability of the split Kouklia Council to make any decisions the only work that has been completed to date is the resurfacing of the main road to roundabout.
-Some additional works, due to pressure from AHRA, are being planned till the end of 2022.
We need your ideas and suggestions as to what needs to be done in 2023
2023 Aphrodite Hills Budget proposal
Road Markings
Estimated budget Euro 15,000. Was presented in the 2021 budget proposal.
The roads throughout AH area need proper markings. The most dangerous area is through the ravine with many sharp turns and blind spots, where several near-miss accidents occur on a daily basis.
Central line through the ravine road
After two years of AHRA’s non-stop negotiations with Kouklia, Paphos District Office, and Public Works Department we finally did it – the central line is done on the road through the ravine.
Next stage is the installation of speed bumps, speed signs, etc
Replace bulbs on the side road from main entrance to roundabout and underpass
Estimated budget Euro 1,050.
The entrance to one of the premium Resort on Cyprus with International visitors is not as it should be with missing and broken lighting. This does not give a good first impression to visitors.
Re-Install Benches along roads in specific places
Estimated budget Euro 2,000.
Installation of benches, garbage bins and dog waste bins has been a part of the AH improvement plan. The works were carried out by a contractor with no supervision and no clear thinking of what needed to be done. Hence there is a need to make it right.
Design and build Park with playground on Eastern Plateau
Estimated budget Euro 70,000. Was presented in the 2021 budget proposal.
Located at the Eastern Plateau, where hundreds of people live or come for holidays. The area does not have any amenities, it is currently destroyed and children lack any place to play but either on the road or the golf field, neither of which is good.
Eastern Plateau Park
Letter to PDO sent in mid-December 2022
Business owners as well as the residents of Aphrodite Hills are extremely dissatisfied with the lack of progress, as well as the low level of attention that Kouklia Council is apportioning to this Resort. Since the reinstalment in March 2022 of Mr. M. Nicolau as mukhtaris of Kouklia, the Council was incapable of making any decisions. They do not even meet because of internal distrust, corruption allegations and disagreements. Even the small improvements costing less than 2,000 Euro have not been done at Aphrodite Hills despite being voted for by the majority of the Council. The situation that exists in Kouklia is simply unacceptable and needs your urgent interference and leadership.
Please arrange and chair a meeting at the District Office with representatives of Kouklia Council and Aphrodite Hills as soon as possible as the situation is rapidly deteriorating and could soon become intolerable.
Kind regards,
George Misirlis Boris Zilbermints
Aphrodite Hills Resort Ltd. Aphrodite Hills Residents Association
Repair sewage manhole covers replace rubber rings
Estimated budget Euro 9,750
To prevent the possible collapse of manhole covers or damage to vehicle or cycle tyres, urgent work is required re-bed properly manhole cover surrounds and level up the cover with the frame with new rubber rings.
Repair Kerb stones
Estimated budget Euro 6,000
Lengths of kerb stone are badly damaged across the Resort, associated with damage to the walkways and block paving which needs to be replaced at the same time.
Make good bicycle/pedestrian slopes from paths to road, even out steps for better baby pram and bicycle movement
Estimated budget Euro 8,000
To reduce tripping hazards and therefore make pathways safer for all users, the creation of improved ramps is required.
Make good interlock paving on footpaths
Estimated budget Euro 54,000
The major deterioration of the pedestrian paths on the Resort is creating a major risk of a serious accident by falling or bicycle accident.
Replace broken manhole covers on footpaths
Estimated budget Euro 8,000
There are missing covers to the irrigation system which leaves valves unprotected.
Also many damaged and missing covers on the footpaths which are a danger to walkers and cyclists.
Replace existing lighting on poles with LED
Estimated budget Euro 16,200
Existing lighting in the AH area is outdated and the costs are very high. Need to replace with modern LED lights to save on electricity costs and preserve environment.
Replace dead/ unwanted bushes on the planting strip with new ones
Estimated budget Euro 20,000
Linked to the major problems with the irrigation system which does not function everywhere, a large number of bushes have died and need to be replaced.
Replace dead/weak trees in planting strip along roads
Estimated budget Euro 4,500.
Linked to the major problems with the irrigation system which does not function everywhere, a large number of trees have died and need to be replaced.
Irrigation Controlers
Estimated budget Euro 5,000
The irrigation system is fundamental to the healthy growth of the bushes and trees on the Resort. Current system is almost entirely manual and outdated. The failure of the system is resulting in the expenditure to replace dead trees and bushes.
Repair Nature Trail in the Ravine
The Nature Trail has not been looked after for several years. It is in desperate need of cleaning and improvement. At present it represents significant health and fire hazard.
A project had been agreed with Kouklia:
Stage 1. 5,000 Euro to clean up the area
Stage 2. complete project to a high standard
Water connection north of Orpheus Villa to the ravine road
Estimated budget Euro 6,000
Need to create a new loop thus giving an alternative supply of water to the Eastern Plateau.
The loop will reduce the problems of reinstating supply to the Eastern Plateau and also the number of interruptions by being able to back feed water supply to the Hotel area.
Recycling initiative comes to Aphrodite Hills
It has been a year since the process of waste separation and collection started at the resort.
“Quick wins” – things you can do
Resort’s Main Entrance
Broken pavement by contractors who built a villa
Skip on the street
Skip near the green on hole # 5
Budget Q & A
Mr. A. Thanks for asking for ideas.
"A general observation is that the there is an ever increasing amount of traffic using the main road from the roundabout up the main road from West to East plateaus.
Many service vehicles (pool/garden/villa maintenance etc) park on the road and across drives and pavements which hinder traffic flow and cause problems for pedestrians.
There are some lay byes but these are often used for long term parking for residents ‘business’ vehicles. It was no surprise that there was an accident in early Sept when a car left the road at speed and hit a tree.
The pavements are increasingly used in this area by families on holiday walking to the village Centre with baby buggies /bicycles/scooters etc.
When pavements are blocked with cars or overhanging shrubs or indeed are in bad repair, people are forced to walk on the roadside.
My request therefore of the committee is to discuss with Kouklia Council how to address the safety issues that arise from fast moving traffic on this busy road with parked cars and blocked pavements in a holiday resort area. "
"Dear Mr. A.
thank you for your letter. I am very well aware of the issue and I have spent a lot of time and effort (together with the resort's security) to prevent vehicles parking on the pavement and completely blocking it. Attached photo is a recent example where two contractors' cars parked on the pavement near a big villa being extended on the main road. I talked to the contractors personally and asked our head of security Mr. Dimitris to send a patrol car and to talk to the contractors who were parking there a lot in the past. Since that day none of their cars is parked on the pavement.
So, it does work but it is indeed necessary to talk to the offenders and to explain to them that their temporary convenience of being close to their cars creates a lot of troubles for the pedestrians and put their health and life at risk when they have to walk on the road to pass the parked cars. Unfortunately, here in Cyprus there is a "national custom" to park where it suits the driver regardless of whether it's permitted or not, so we are also dealing with a mental issue here."
Mr. K. Thanks for the update.
"Maybe also get to the bottom of non-handicapped people parking on handicap parking spots at Apollo heights and non visitors parking on visitor sports. Thanks"
"Dear Mr. K thank you for your feedback
I can assure you that the issue regarding the abuse of the handicap parking spots has been raised many times with Kouklia Council and Kouklia police, as well as Aphrodite Hills managements and our security service. The result: (1) Kouklia does not care (police including) and are not willing to help with this issue; (2) resort security at AHRA's request is monitoring the handicap slots and makes sure that cars are nor parked there. Unfortunately, there is a hobby for some people here to park anywhere that suits them with a zero regard/respect to the right of the others.
We can hire a traffic warden ourselves to oversee the entire resort and make sure that ALL cars are parked correctly, but this will cost us at least 500/month + we will need to get it authorized at Kouklia and with the police. Are you, personally, willing to help with this issue? With your credentials and knowledge of Greek it would be considerably easier."
Main theme – do not be indifferent
If you see something is wrong do not just pass by thinking “none of my business”. We all live here and it must become our business to make Aphrodite Hills a better place.
The contractors put skips everywhere that suits them, with no regard to the danger and inconvenience those skips bring. Stop and talk to them to make things right or report to the AH Security Service.
The cars are parked on the pavements or handicap slots – stop and talk to the drivers and persuade them to park correctly or report to the AH Security Service.
There are many things that we can improve ourselves, just make an effort for your own sake. Do not be indifferent!
“Because of indifference, one dies before one actually dies” – Elie Wiesel
AHRA together with AH Resort Ltd. and “Rainbow in Cyprus” foundation organized a very successful “Christmas Charity Evening”
On behalf of the “Rainbow in Cyprus” foundation we would like to thank all those who attended the event and those who could not attend for their participation and generous donations.
“Christmas Charity Evening”
AHRA 2022 Accounts
- 8,000 membership fees (Orpheus village membership, two members paid 5 years in advance)
- 5,000 sponsorship
- 2,917 advertising contract
TOTAL: 15,917 Euro
- 2,600 part-time employee expenses
- 1,400 advertising contract expenses
- 1,875 Rainbow in Cyprus charity event
- 2,300 other costs
TOTAL: 8,175 Euro
AHRA is a non-profit organization, any surplus of funds will be spent on organizing events for the owners and cultural, sports, and other activities proposed by the residents of the resort.
The following members have been elected to the AHRA Committee:
Boris Zilbermints
Ray Smith
Bill McPherson
Dave McMahon
Tony Yerolemou
There are two vacancies at the Committee and we encourage active members to come forward
AHRA membership fee for 2023 remains at 100 Euro per owner. Please make your contribution now
All AGM presentations could be accessed by members at