AHRA’s report on 2023 performance
- Pavements repaired along Apollon Avenue and Agapinoros Avenue
- Improved Green Areas Maintenance
- Engagement with Aphrodite Hills Golf Club (putting the yellow tee to its original place)
- Engagement with Aphrodite Hills Management to recover more than 20 thousand Euro from “Security & Sewage payments” debtors
- Engagement with PDO re Kouklia 2024 Council taxes
- Thermal camera drone to improve security of the resort
- Fight with illegal parking continues (pavements)
- Fight with illegal parking continues (opposite the Village Square)
- Issues with Kouklia’s work quality remain
- New developments throughout the resort
- Engagement with Paphos Postal Services
Dear Mrs. Giota,
For some time now, as I informed you, the residents of Aphrodite Hills are facing serious problems with the operation of the postal ofice in Kouklia.
The so-called Post Office in the community of Kouklia is open one hour a day (which is extremely inconvenient) and is located in a small and untidy room, where a customer cannot even walk in. The residents of Aphrodite Hills have complained for a long time that this situation results in many documents being delayed or simply never received and lost there.
We would like this situation to change and for this issue to be resolved immediately by either insisting on a significant upgrade and improvement of the Kouklia post office (which might be economically unfeasible) or for our post to be directed to one of the regular (i.e. working regular hours and properly staffed) post offices in Paphos.
Along with this letter I am attaching as evidence letters received in August and dated in March.
Yours sincerely ,
-Ilias Georgiadis
Aphrodite Hills Residence Association
AHRA’s plans for 2024
Dear Spyros,
please find attached a budget proposal from Aphrodite Hills agreed by Aphrodite Hills Management and Aphrodite Hills Residents Association.
As you can see the budget has many items that have not been fully completed in 2023, although the amounts have been proportionally reduced.
As discussed with you previously:
item #9 "Design and build Park on Eastern Plateau" has been reduced from 70 to just 15 thousand Euro to cover expenses for cleaning up cement debris getting rid of the water feature, bringing new soil, making gravel passes and planting trees, bushes, flowers.
Item # 10 "Repair Nature Trail" includes Stage 1 for 5,000 Euro for cleaning up the trail to make it passable and to make an assessment of what needs to be done, and Stage 2 for 10,000 Euro to make necessary improvements, such as gravel pass ways, light bridges, etc.
There are two new items at the budget, 14 & 15 dealing with the improvements of the main entrance of Aphrodite Hills and Main Roundabout. Mr. Zenon (copied) has already received quotations for the works and we do hope that Kouklia will help us make the entrance to our village nicer, same as Kouklia does with its main entrance, but at a lot smaller cost.
As asked in the letter sent to you earlier we demand an urgent start of works on item #12 "Water connection north of Orpheus village". This work is two years late and must be completed by the end of this year/January 2024.
We would also like to point out the following proposals, that in our view are absolutely necessary to be included into the Kouklia own budget:
1. Kouklia pumping station main electrical panel needs replacement at a possible cost of some 10 to 15 thousand Euro
2. Kouklia pumping station pumps also need replacement. Kouklia has a tender for a few years now, but nothing has been done yet. Cost around 20 thousand Euro.
3. Extension of the water tanks. Cost estimate c. 300 thousand Euro.
“active” involvement of the villages
From: Boris Zilbermints <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Sent: 26 November 2023 12:17
Subject: Re: AH 2024 budget
Dear heads of Aphrodite Hills villages,
I have sent you my email asking for your proposals 8 days ago and apart from a comment from Alexander Heights I have not received anything. You all know that Aphrodite Hills is the major contributor to the Kouklia village budget. Until AHRA's foundation we have been receiving very little if anything from Kouklia, which is grossly unfair but that was the result of not being active and not engaging with Kouklia and Paphos District Office (PDO). Aphrodite Hills does not end at the fence of your village and the better the overall upkeep of the resort the better it is for all members of your village communities. Similar to years 2021-2022-2023 AHRA, together with Aphrodite Hills Management, have taken upon themselves a difficult task of preparing a common resort's budget and then submitting and explaining it to Kouklia and PDO. If we do not hear anything from you, we would not know what your communities might need. The deadline for submitting the budget to Kouklia is tomorrow, November 27th and I would like to strongly encourage you to make proposals.
Kind regards,
Boris Zilbermints
Cyprus Municipal Elections on June 9, 2024
All citizens of the Republic, aged 18 and above, who reside in Cyprus are entitled to vote. Additionally, citizens of other European Union member states residing in Cyprus and registered in the relevant electoral rolls also have the right to vote.
The deadline for submitting applications is April 2, 2024. Interested individuals are urged to timely submit applications for inclusion in the electoral rolls to exercise their voting rights. After this date, no new registrations or changes can be made to the electoral rolls.
- People turning 18 by June 9, 2024, the day of the elections, are eligible to register. Applications, especially in this case, must be submitted no later than April 2, 2024.
- For citizens up to 25 years old, applications can be submitted electronically through the elections website at elections.gov.cy.
- In view of the 2024 local government elections based on the new framework of the reform, separate complexes of the communities appear per Province. According to the existing legislative framework, in addition to the five District Self-Government Organizations, there are 30 communities based on the Communities (Amendment) (No. 2) Law of 2022, with 9 clusters in Nicosia District, 8 in Limassol District, 5 in the District of Larnaca and 8 in the District of Paphos, which amends the basic Law on Communities No. 86(1) of 1999.
- Τhe complex of communities to which the community of Kouklia will be included is: (E. Complex): Agia Barbara, Anarita, Kouklia, Mandria, Mousere and Nata.
- Regarding Community Service Complexes, the Tenth Part of the Law (Articles 98A to 98Θ) is relevant, which defines the establishment and operation of Community Service Complexes for the provision of common services to the communities participating in the relevant complex.
- According to the Law, the Complexes are managed by a Council, whose members are the community leaders of the communities that make them up. The Councils of Complex Services are chaired by a member who is elected in a secret ballot within fifteen days of the election of the community leaders and members of the Councils of the communities, in which also the deputy president of the Complex Council is elected.
-The responsibilities of the Councils of the Complexes relate to the management of waste collection, the promotion of actions for the planning and implementation of integrated projects, the provision of accounting services with a single software system, secretarial services, technical support from specialized workers who may hire, health services, services traffic regulation, services pursuant to the provisions of the Law on Dogs, planning, maintenance, improvement and cleaning of green spaces managed by the complex or belonging to the complex, as well as any other services determined by the Minister with relevant its notification.
- The Council of Community Service Complexes are legal entities under public law and have full legal capacity and are represented by their President. The Councils of the Complexes, after consultation with the Councils of the communities, impose on them an annual contribution for the services provided, the determination of which takes into account the total annual expenditure on the provision of the services, the number of inhabitants and the services provided in each community.
- The meetings of the Councils of Service Complexes are convened at least once a month and on an extraordinary basis, if deemed appropriate, while these are public except in exceptional cases and the decisions are posted on the website of the Complex. The Prefect of the relevant Province to which the Complexes belong has the authority to exercise control over the legality of their decisions.
- The Complex Council prepares an annual budget that is required to be balanced, while an important provision in this regard is that each Complex Council may, without any approval, spend each year an amount that does not exceed 20% of any budgeted expenditure fund and be approved, provided that such sum is saved by any other or any other of the funds submitted and approved in the same budget. Each Council, in addition, maintains a fund, the income of which comes from the annual contributions of the Councils of the communities participating in the Complex, sponsorship of the Republic, fines, fines and other income collected, rents, profits, interest and debts arising from properties of the Complex Council and donations, legacies or other sponsorships.
- As regards the staff of the Community Service Complexes, the Complexes become, in accordance with the Law, universal contractors and employers of all the staff who serve in the Councils of the participating Communities. Important are the provisions of the Law regarding the transparency and participation of members of the communities, with the members of the community being able to submit memoranda and/or questions to the relevant Service Complex Council and to be informed about the decisions of the relevant Councils.
- The basic principle that governs this reform of the operation of the communities at the provincial level concerns the rationalization of the management of the services provided at the local level and the creation of an environment of scale that will benefit the local communities and the wider well-intentioned interests of the members of the communities.
Paphos District

Current Structure

Proposed Structure

AHRA Council Members Elections
2023 Council 2024 Council
1.Boris Zilbermints – Chairman 1.Boris Zilbermints – Chairman
2.Ray Smith – Vice Chairman 2.Irina Arutyunova – Treasurer
3.Bill McPherson – Treasurer 3.Tim Monks – Member
4.Dave McMahon – Member 4.Irina Karachinskaya – Member
5.Tony Yerolemou – Member 5.George Sekulla - Member