
AHRA is an officially registered association

AHRA’s report on 2023/24 performance

• Pavements repaired along Apollon Avenue and Agapinoros Avenue
• Improved Green Areas maintenance and pavements cleaning
• Upgrade to the resort’s main entrance
• Engagement with Aphrodite Hills Management to recover more than 25 thousand Euro from “Security & Sewage payments” debtors
• Engagement with PaphosPostal Services re quality of work of the Kouklia post office
• Engagement with PDO re Kouklia 2024 Council taxes (a decrease of 25% for those who applied)
• Thermal camera drone to improve security of the resort

AHRA’s plans for 2024
2024 Aphrodite Hills Budget proposal

AHRA’s plans for 2024

From: Boris Zilbermints <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Sent: 23 July 2024 12:16
To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Cc: Zenon Papaloizou <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>; Koinotiko Symvoulio Kouklion <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>; Spyros Kolliaros <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Subject: Fw:

Dear Christakis,

it was very good to meet with you last Friday in Kouklia. As we discussed there are several urgent issues that need to be resolved for Aphrodite Hills. We submitted them to Kouklia in November 2023 in our budget (attached) but the dysfunctional former Council did
absolutely nothing to address the issues.

1.Water connection to have a safety of water supply to the Eastern Plateau. The issue is two years old, Kouklia held two tenders but the Council was unable to make any decision. The cost of the works as I remember was around 16,000 Euro and all that is needed to be
done is to look at the tender proposals, select a company that is capable of doing the works and reconfirm the price that they offered. Having another tender will unnecessarily delay the project for another 4-6 month.

2.Aphrodite Hills entrance. As I said during the meeting in 2024 Kouklia upgraded the main entrance to the village at a cost of approximately 500 thousand Euro. Aphrodite Hills upgraded its main entrance and plans to upgrade its main roundabout at a cost of
approximately 17 - 20 thousand. The costs were submitted to Kouklia for reimbursement but the Council did nothing. We ask you and the new Council to approve these costs ASAP.

3.Eastern Plateau Park. This project is three years old. The design has been discussed with Spyros and the authorities. At the end, after consultations with neighbors, it was decided to recultivate the ground and to delete the ruined water feature, to bring more soil and to
plant new trees. The total cost decreased from 70 to around 10-15 thousand euro and this project must be completed while we have a dry weather i.e. before mid October 2024.

4.Nature Trail. This project is also three years old. The Nature Trail has not been cleaned since the COVID and is not not passable and very dangerous. Together with Spyros we developed a two-stage approach: (i) for 5,000 euro to clean the area to allow for a thorough
inspection and design and then (ii) to make improvements (gravel path, light bridges, etc.) the cost will be clear after stage (i).

5.Pavements cleaning. At the moment Kouklia provides a road sweeper that comes to Aphrodite Hills approximately once a week and sweeps the roads. We have a big problem with sweeping and cleaning the pavements. As discussed at the meeting there is equipment
available (photo) and I sent the details to Lesley. I can contact the manufacturer to find out the cost and deliverability. Having the sweeper would greatly help keeping pavements clean and tidy.

6.Fire safety areas. We have been discussing this issue with Kouklia for the last two years. After the recent fire near Aphrodite Hills I believe it is finally time that the fire-protection zones are defined and the works done. I know that Mr. Zenon said that the Ministry has
determined the works but they will be done next year. The residents are asking the question - it is only July and we have three months until rains, why can't the works be done now? What are we waiting for, another fire?

7.Kouklia Pumping Station. Water supply is very important for both Kouklia and Aphrodite Hills. Kouklia pumping station is outdated and is in need of urgent improvements and upgrades (attached file).

There are plenty of more minor issues that could be discussed later, but the ones mentioned above require your urgent attention and action.
In September 2024 AHRA is planning its Annual Meeting and we would be very glad if you could come and meet the residents in person.

Best regards,
Boris Zilbermints
AHRA Chairman

Eastern Plateau Park rejuvenation project

Nature Trail repair project

As asked in the letter sent to you earlier we demand an urgent start of works on item #12 "Water connection north of Orpheus village". This work is two years late and must be completed by the end of this year/January 2024.

We would also like to point out the following proposals, that in our view are absolutely necessary to be included into the Kouklia own budget:

1.Kouklia pumping station main electrical panel needs replacement at a possible cost of some 10 to 15 thousand Euro
2.Kouklia pumping station pumps also need replacement. Kouklia has a tender for a few years now, but nothing has been done yet. Cost around 20 thousand Euro.
3.Extension of the water tanks. Cost estimate c. 300 thousand Euro.

“active” involvement of the villages

From: Boris Zilbermints <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Sent: 26 November 2023 12:17
Subject: Re: AH 2024 budget

Dear heads of Aphrodite Hills villages,

I have sent you my email asking for your proposals 8 days ago and apart from a comment from Alexander Heights I have not received anything. You all know that Aphrodite Hills is the major contributor to the Kouklia village budget.
Until AHRA's foundation we have been receiving very little if anything from Kouklia, which is grossly unfair but that was the result of not being active and not engaging with Kouklia and Paphos District Office (PDO). Aphrodite Hills does not end at the fence of your village and the better the overall upkeep of the resort the better it is for all members of your village communities. Similar to years 2021-2022-2023 AHRA, together with Aphrodite Hills Management, have taken upon themselves a difficult task of preparing a common resort's budget and then
submitting and explaining it to Kouklia and PDO. If we do not hear anything from you, we would not know what your communities might need. The deadline for submitting the budget to Kouklia is tomorrow, November 27th and I would like to strongly encourage you to make proposals.

Kind regards,
Boris Zilbermints

Make good interlock paving on footpaths 

 Replace dead/ unwanted bushes on the planting strip with new ones

Works performed in previous years

Subbotnik (Clean Up Day)

Issues in need of resolving

Cyprus Municipal Elections on June 9, 2024

All citizens of the Republic, aged 18 and above, who reside in Cyprus are entitled to vote. Additionally, citizens of other European Union member states residing in Cyprus and registered in the relevant electoral rolls also have the right to vote.
The deadline for submitting applications is April 2, 2024. Interested individuals are urged to timely submit applications for inclusion in the electoral rolls to exercise their voting rights. After this date, no new registrations or changes can be made to the electoral rolls.

AHRA Council Members

AHRA 2024 Accounts (up to date)

• Receipts                             • Payments
    • 5,000 Sponsorship          • 800 part-time employee expenses
    • 5,000 Advertising contrac   • 1,600 advertising contract expenses
                                                               • 300 other costs
 TOTAL: 10,000 Euro            TOTAL: 2,700 Euro

  * The collection of individual and village membership fees begins now

AHRA is a non-profit organization, any surplus of funds will be spent on organizing events for the owners and cultural, sports, and other activities proposed by the residents of the resort

 AHRA 2024 Membership Fee

A couple of requests
Please pay your 2024 Membership fee

• Please send/write your comments and suggestions at www.ahrahome.comor use Telegram and Facebook web-site
• It is the easiest and the shortest way to reach all fellow residents and to discuss issues that are important to us all
• Payment of the membership fee helps AHRA stay financially sound and to protect your interests.
• Please do not be indifferent, Aphrodite Hills is the place where you and your family live


Zero Reported Break-ins in 2024:
There have been no reported break-ins for 2024.

Last Reported Break-in:
The last reported break-in occurred on 31st October 2023.

Crime Tally (Reported Burglaries) in Paphos:
Over 400 burglaries reported in the area of Paphos.

Security Features at Aphrodite Hills:
The Security Control Room for monitoring.
CCTV and Alarm Systems are connected to central monitoring stations.

Aphrodite Hills Fire Truck: There is a fire truck on-site for first response.

Police Arrests: Reference to an arrest made on 8th May 2024, where the individual apprehended is called the "Ninja".


Brinks Additional Security Patrol
A Brinks patrol vehicle is active, with no additional charge for the service.
Expanded CCTV Coverage
Additional CCTV cameras have been installed in the villages and ravines.
Randomized Patrols
Security patrols now follow different time routines. Unpredictable spot checks are conducted to enhance security.
On-Site Technician
A CCTV/Alarm technician is available to resolve issues promptly.
Thermal Drone (Mavic)
A Mavic thermal drone is being utilized for enhanced surveillance.

Security Installations: Install motion sensor lights, CCTV cameras, and alarm systems to enhance home security.
Aluminum Doors and Windows: Use aluminum doors and windows for added strength and security.
Avoid Sharing on Social Media: Do not let social media know when you're not at home to prevent potential risks.
Trustworthy Companies: Ensure that only trustworthy companies are allowed inside your home for maintenance or repairs.











 Package A
• Monitoring from the control room
• Attendance upon approval of the owner

Package B
• Monitoring from the control room
• Attendance: Immediate notification of Aphrodite
Hills security mobile patrol officers to attend the
property and act accordingly in all activations. To
liaise with emergency services as required
resolving the activation
• Key Holding: internal check of property and alarm
• Reporting (on request)
• Technical assistance: Response of technical
assistance within 48hrs

 - With a 5-year contract, Aphrodite Hills Property Management will pay 100% of the total
cost of the Alarm system and installation (up to 2 000€ VAT included)
 - With a 3-year contract, Aphrodite Hills Property Management will pay 50% of the total
cost of the Alarm system and installation (up to 2 000€ VAT included)