Aphrodite Hills 2023 Budget preparation

A general observation is that the there is an ever increasing amount of traffic using the main road from the roundabout up the main road from West to East plateaus.
Many service vehicles (pool/garden/villa maintenance etc) park on the road and across drives and pavements which hinder traffic flow and cause problems for pedestrians.
There are some lay byes but these are often used for long term parking for residents ‘business’ vehicles. It was no surprise that there was an accident in early Sept when a car left the road at speed and hit a tree.
The pavements are increasingly used in this area by families on holiday walking to the village Centre with baby buggies /bicycles/scooters etc.
When pavements are blocked with cars or overhanging shrubs or indeed are in bad repair, people are forced to walk on the roadside.
My request therefore of the committee is to discuss with Kouklia Council how to address the safety issues that arise from fast moving traffic on this busy road with parked cars and blocked pavements in a holiday resort area.
Dear Mr. A.
thank you for your letter. I am very well aware of the issue and I have spent a lot of time and effort (together with the resort's security) to prevent vehicles parking on the pavement and completely blocking it. Attached photo is a recent example where two contractors' cars parked on the pavement near a big villa being extended on the main road. I talked to the contractors personally and asked our head of security Mr. Dimitris to send a patrol car and to talk to the contractors who were parking there a lot in the past. Since that day none of their cars is parked on the pavement.
So, it does work but it is indeed necessary to talk to the offenders and to explain to them that their temporary convenience of being close to their cars creates a lot of troubles for the pedestrians and put their health and life at risk when they have to walk on the road to pass the parked cars. Unfortunately, here in Cyprus there is a "national custom" to park where it suits the driver regardless of whether it's permitted or not, so we are also dealing with a mental issue here.
Mr. K. Thanks for the update. Maybe also get to the bottom of non-handicapped people parking on handicap parking spots at Apollo heights and non visitors parking on visitor sports.
Dear Mr. K thank you for your feedback
I can assure you that the issue regarding the abuse of the handicap parking spots has been raised many times with Kouklia Council and Kouklia police, as well as Aphrodite Hills managements and our security service. The result: (1) Kouklia does not care (police including) and are not willing to help with this issue; (2) resort security at AHRA's request is monitoring the handicap slots and makes sure that cars are nor parked there. Unfortunately, there is a hobby for some people here to park anywhere that suits them with a zero regard/respect to the right of the others.
We can hire a traffic warden ourselves to oversee the entire resort and make sure that ALL cars are parked correctly, but this will cost us at least 500/month + we will need to get it authorized at Kouklia and with the police. Are you, personally, willing to help with this issue? With your credentials and knowledge of Greek it would be considerably easier.
Comment: unfortunately, up to date no response has been received from Mr. K
Illegal Fireworks on 22.10.2022 What has been learned and done:
• A Cypriot wedding was staged at the resort. The groom’s friends decided they could do anything
• Dangerous and loud driving was accompanied by shooting petards from car windows
• Villa was rented out by Aphrodite Residences and their procedures following the incident will be amended accordingly
• Fireworks are allowed at the resort, but: (i) performed in the approved areas; (ii) by qualified technical companies; (iii) with at least a 24 hour prior warning
• The Police stared its investigation against the offenders, but at the same time it investigates a “revenge” of scratching over 10 offenders’ cars by an “angry AH resident”
• Regardless of your attitude towards the police, please do not take justice into your own hands.
• Please send/write your comments and suggestions at www.ahrahome.com web-site
• It is the easiest and the shortest way to reach all fellow residents and to discuss issues that are important to us all
• Please pay your 2022 Membership fee of 100 Euro