
Main theme – do not be indifferent

- If you see something is wrong do not just pass by thinking “none of my business”. We all live here and it must become our business to make Aphrodite Hills a better place.
- The contractors put skips everywhere that suits them, with no regard to the danger and inconvenience those skips bring. Stop and talk to them to make things right or report to the AH Security Service.
 - The cars are parked on the pavements or handicap slots – stop and talk to the drivers and persuade them to park correctly or report to the AH Security Service.
- There are many things that we can improve ourselves, just make an effort for your own sake. Do not be indifferent!
“Because of indifference, one dies before one actually dies” – Elie Wiesel


November started with a dreadful weather, hopefully no one got injured or property damaged

A couple of requests

Please pay your 2022 Membership fee of 100 Euro

 - Please send/write your comments and suggestions at www.ahrahome.com web-site

 - It is the easiest and the shortest way to reach all fellow residents and to discuss issues that are important to us all

 - Payment of the membership fee helps AHRA stay financially sound and to protect your interests.

 - Please do not be indifferent, Aphrodite Hills is the place where you and your family live