
On December 18, 2021 AHRA together with AH Management organised a Clean Up day at the resort and we plan to have another one later this year.
It is up to the residents of Aphrodite Hills to decide if they want to help AHRA make the resort a better place. One thing to note – without AHRA the place where we live would have been looking a lot worse.
It is time for all the residents to wake up and start doing good things for the resort.

Following consultation with Kouklia Council, Green Forest and AH Management AHRA was given supervision/management of the contract.
In view of the fact that the green areas have been badly neglected for years, we have now agreed working practices with Green Forest.

All manual valves will gradually be replaced with automatic controllers.
All areas are to be free of pruning debris.
Plants/trees will be fertilised as necessary, a record log will be maintained.
The public green spaces will be kept clean and free of weeds throughout the year.

Any constructive comments re our green areas are welcome. Please write to the AHRA website and/or to AHRA Vice-Chairman Mr. Ray Smith (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

A couple of requests

Please pay your 2022 Membership fee of 100 Euro

 - Please send/write your comments and suggestions at www.ahrahome.com web-site

- It is the easiest and the shortest way to reach all fellow residents and to discuss issues that are important to us all

- Payment of the membership fee helps AHRA stay financially sound and to protect your interests.

- Please do not be indifferent, Aphrodite Hills is the place where you and your family live