
On behalf of the “Rainbow in Cyprus” foundation we would like to thank all those who attended the event and those who could not attend for their participation and generous donation

Christmas Charity evening in Aphrodite Hills

Anastasia was born at 33 weeks with congenital intestinal obstruction (intestinal volvulus). Not having time to admiring her, the doctors took her to an urgent operation, to remove part of the intestine (20 cm), then resuscitation, and then the struggle for life began, the child suffered peritonitis, sepsis, pneumonia and much more. She spent two months in intensive care, then another month in the pathology of newborns. During this period, Nastya was 1kg 700g, weakened, emaciated, with poor analyzes, she did not have a chance for recovery, the doctors said that she would not survive.
However, everything passed, the girls survived and was taken home. Half a year later, doctors diagnosed an anomaly in the development of the brain. It was the most terrible news. Life turned upside down. But we pulled ourselves together and realized that only we can help her, deep examinations began, at the age of 1 she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. We didn’t give up and took her to various procedures (exercise therapy, massage, acupuncture, horseback riding, a swimming pool, vibromassage, dolphin therapy.
In complex regular treatment, Anastasia learned to sit at 2.5 years old, at 3 years old to crawl in a plastonian way, then on all fours, to stand a little at supports against the wall. Every success we were rejoiced with tears. Now she is 13 years old, but unfortunately she isn’t able to walk on her own, only with support. She is a very kind, smiling girl who dreams of being able to walk.
Money raised at our event will go towards bringing Anastasia and her family to Cyprus during the cold winter time, to give them some joy and hope. They live in Odessa, Ukraine, currently without electricity and heat due to frequent bombardment.

You still have time and an opportunity to help Anastasia

• You can send your donations, however big or small to help bring Anastasia to Cyprus, to Paphos, and even to Aphrodite Hills, to AHRA’s account with a note that the money is to be forwarded to the “Rainbow in Cyprus” foundation.
• Young girl who has never been able to walk on her own and who currently spends a lot of time in a bomb-shelter deserves some joy at Christmas.