
For how long have you been associated with Aphrodite Hills, what is your background, how you came about to be Head of Security at this Resort? Just a little background about yourself?
I was born in London and moved to Cyprus when I was 10 years old. I went to the Grammar School. I worked in Limassol for 15 years and have been living in Paphos for the past 9 years. I was a security guard at the Resort from 2016 for six months and then promoted to Security Supervisor. In 2019, when G4S took over I was appointed Security Manager. So, I have been working in the security sector at the Resort for the past 5 years. I live near the Resort, and if any emergencies arise, I am always close by. If I am away, then there is always a supervisor on site.

How would you describe the level of Security in this Resort? Will it be fair to say that
this is one of the safest places in Cyprus?
Judging from other hotels and resorts, it’s a privilege to have an on-site control room associated with security patrols and a guarded main entrance. I strongly believe the Resort is one of the safest places to live. We constantly improve our services and due to the new developments, more CCTV cameras will be added to provide additional security.

What training do your guards receive and can they also provide first-aid help?
To have a license nowadays as a security guard, one must go through a formal training from a licensed trainer and have a minimum 5-year clear criminal record from the police authorities and be tested by the police after the training is completed. So, a security’s license card is not only given by the company they work for, but it must be provided by the police.
Guards also go through first aid training and every three years they need to update their skills so they can renew their license. If someone does not know to call 112 and they contact the control room, depending on the incident, our security patrols know how to use the defibrillators and other first aid assistance that might be needed. We can also use the medical center on site until the ambulance arrives and we stay in constant communication with the ambulance, police, or fire brigade (whatever the emergency is) until they arrive at the Resort.

This year we have had some terrible fires in Cyprus. What measures are in place in Aphrodite Hills to cope with an outbreak of a bush fire on the resort? (notification, liaison with local fire brigade, use of local resources etc.)
Due to the very hot weather, dry undergrowth and the human factor, Cyprus does frequently  suffer  from wildfires that prove disastrous to our environment, surroundings, property and of course may lead unfortunately to the loss of life .
We all have an obligation to be vigilant, and if someone notices a fire starting he/she needs to take corrective action by reporting any outbreak of fire as per below outline:
 • Contact the Paphos Fire Brigade 26806272 or emergency hotline telephone number 112  so as to  liaise  with the police, fire department, ambulance;
 • Contact our Brinks Security Control Centre at 26828060;
 •  We will then dispatch our Security patrol officers  to the  area in question  and our officers will attempt to  evacuate the area and to deal with the  fire in the best possible way; 
 •  Our guards will also guide the relevant emergency services to the fire ravaged areas;
 • We will liaise with Kouklia Police Station 26806335 and with the Kouklia Council  who will provide additional firefighting equipment and manpower;  
 • If need be, Aphrodite Hills personnel who are also trained as to the use of fire extinguishers will also be called upon.

What additional measures do you consider necessary to maintain the security of the resort?
The management of Aphrodite Hills places significant attention on ensuring that where possible our security recommendations are implemented. Over the years they have invested significantly in building the security infrastructure and in allocating more human and technical resources so as to meet the ever changing security challenges. 
Overall we provide security at public areas and in many instances, where requested, at specific private properties. What is important to point out is that security starts at the house of each resident. The residents/owners of the properties must first and foremost ensure that they take all basic security measures to protect their own properties. Such basic security measures include but are not limited to: 
·  ​To install perimeter protection and residential alarm systems - all systems to be armed or partly armed respectively when not at the residence or when asleep;
·  To integrate fire and flood sensors with the residential alarm system;
·  To securely lock all windows, doors, and patio doors, when not at the residence or even when at home at night; 
·  To install external motion lights sensors and where possible lights to be left on as criminals avoid well-lit up areas; 
·  To install at least a basic CCTV recording  system with a minimum of three weeks recording; 
·  To connect all security systems to the Control Room of Aphrodite Hills;
·  To avoid posting online information on social media that will demonstrate the absence from the property; 
·  To place valuables in a graded and bolted security safe; 
·  To place security signs demonstrating that the property is protected - we can provide such signs free of charge; 
·  To avoid overflow of mailbox which might demonstrate that the property is unoccupied for a long period of time;
·  To report at once to our control room (telephone number 26 828 060) any unusual events and note down vehicle registration numbers and or any other information that may assist a security investigation in case of an incident
At Aphrodite Hills we work very closely with the Police and we have all developed  a sense of security whereby residents feel safe and secure and this is due mainly to the excellent  cooperation, understanding  and the security  measures undertaken by all stake holders. We are ready to assist, guide and provide as per our obligation to all local residents our support, knowledge and know-how so as to further minimize the security and safety risk at our resort.

What would you ask Aphrodite Hills residents and owners to do to assist your team to keep the Resort a safer place?
The owners could help us by adding motion light sensors (especially at Ravine border areas) and adding full alarm systems provided by an official licensed alarm company (avoid using cheap brands or equipment from eBay for example). Ideally, they should have it connected to our control center and add CCTV cameras. It only costs 30 euros + VAT per month.
We would like to ask all owners to be more careful with leaving doors and windows unlocked which unfortunately is very common. If they see any unusual behavior or a suspicious person, they should always contact the security control center so the patrol can come and assess the situation. It is for the best that we work together and prevent any unfortunate incidents from occurring.

What services can you offer to individual residents on the resort?
As a company we have extensive experience and expertise in the field of security. We run and operate a security control room on a 24/7 basis. With the existing set up and comprehensive security infrastructure that has been developed on site we are in a position to offer all residents a peace of mind via the provision of:

To find out more info regarding our above services and special security packages kindly contact the below emails or telephone numbers:
1. Dimitris Neophytou (Aphrodite Hills Security Manager) – 99107004 – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2. Stavroulla Daniel (Customer Care Manager) – 26828002 – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.