

   •  Those roadside cones have been installed on Apollon Ave. well over a week ago and nobody seems to
      care when the road is fixed.
   •  The cones create a lot of difficulties for driving a car and could potentially lead to traffic accidents.
   •  Is there any planning whatsoever when such works are carried out?
   •  What is the Aphrodite Hills management involvement and why such extremely poor planning of road
      works is taking place at all?
   •  I am sure patrol cars see this every day so the question is - why nobody seems to care?


• AHRA was founded in November 2020 by       a group of residents who were 
   dissatisfied with the situation and wanted
   improvements at the Resort
    We would like to have a very close    
      cooperation and good relationship with     
      Aphrodite Hills Management
• The goal was to unite all residents of 
   Aphrodite Hills to make the resort a
   better place for all
    √ AHRA would like to join forces with you to            ask the Kouklia Council to address our needs
      as we do believe that Aphrodite Hills residents
      have received substantially less from Kouklia
      than they have contributed to it 
• Originally included around 100 properties     √ The 2021 budget is currently being prepared          by Kouklia and we would like it to include      
      sufficient investment for Aphrodite Hills that
      does take into account the needs of the AH


Leaflets describing AHRA goals have been printed and distributed among all owners and residents

As a organization, our mission is to contribute to the quality of life of the residents of Aphrodite Hills.
The goals of the association are to:
   - Provide a forum for the concerns of residents
   - To inform residents on relevant issues
   - To assist in the upkeep of the estate
   - To represent residents on local issues
AHRA welcomes new members, together we are stronger 

• AHRA is the organization created by the Aphrodite Hills residents
• AHRA represents the residents and protects their interests
• AHRA’s main goal is to make our Resort better for the benefit of all


 • The Budget proposal has had numerous iterations between AHRA and AH Management and was jointly presented to Kouklia in January 2021
 • Only 100,000 Euro was approved
 • The works only started in autumn of 2021



   • Resurfacing of the road from the main roundabout to Agapinoros Ave

   • Resurfacing of Apollon Ave. on the Eastern Plateau

   • Installation of benches, garbage bins and dog waste bins throughout the





   •  It was a great effort and we managed to do a lot and our
      beautiful resort became considerably cleaner

   •  Everyone worked well, including many children, and there
       was a real team spirit among the residents, AH
       Management, and Green Forest volunteers

   •   Everyone who participated had a great time afterwards with
       food, drinks, great music and lively discussion

   •   It was agreed to hold similar events more often. Next one is
        planned for April 2022



Receipts Payments

  •  6,000 membership fees

  •  5,000 sponsorship 

   •  6,200 – part-time employee salary,   
      registration fees, printing costs,
      subbotnik expenses, etc

AHRA is a non-profit organization, any surplus of funds will be spent on organizing events for the owners and cultural, sports, and other activities proposed by the residents of the resort

Thank you for your attention