
Our aim it to present the Budget proposal to the distinguished Kouklia Community Council members to achieve a better understanding of Aphrodite Hills needs and to improve communications and working relationship

    Resurfacing of road from entrance to
    roundabout, including making good around
    manhole covers and side concrete edging


    The budget for this road in the amount of
    Euro 96,624 has already been estimated
    and approved as part of 2021 additional
    funding by PDO. The works are due to
    commence in February-March 2022



   1. Repair sewage manhole covers replace rubber rings


   Estimated budget Euro 9,750

   To prevent the possible collapse of manhole covers or
   damage to vehicle or cycle tyres, urgent work is
   required re-bed properly manhole cover surrounds and
   level up the cover with the frame with new rubber rings


    2. Repair Kerb stones

    Estimated budget Euro 6,000

    Lengths of kerb stone are badly damaged across the
    Resort, associated with damage to the walkways and
    block paving which needs to be replaced at the same

    3. Make good bicycle/pedestrian slopes from paths to
    road, even out steps for better baby pram and bicycle


    Estimated budget Euro 8,000

   To reduce tripping hazards and therefore make
   pathways safer for all users, the creation of
   improved ramps is required


   4. Make good interlock paving on footpaths


   Estimated budget Euro 54,000

   The major deterioration of the pedestrian paths on the
   Resort is creating a major risk of a serious accident by
   falling or bicycle accident

    5. Replace broken manhole covers on footpaths


    Estimated budget Euro 8,000

   There are missing covers to the irrigation system
   which leaves valves unprotected.
   Also many damaged and missing covers on the
   footpaths which are a danger to walkers and cyclists

   6. Replace existing lighting on poles with LED  


   Estimated budget Euro 16,200

   Existing lighting in the AH area is outdated and the
   costs are very high. Need to replace with modern LED
   lights to save on electricity costs and preserve





   7. Replace bulbs on the side road from main entrance
   to roundabout and underpass

   Estimated budget Euro 1,050

   The entrance to one of the premium Resort on Cyprus
   with International visitors is not as it should be with
   missing and broken lighting. This does not give a good
   first impression to visitors


   8. Replace dead/ unwanted bushes on the planting
   strip with new ones


   Estimated budget Euro 20,000

   Linked to the major problems with the irrigation system
   which does not function everywhere, a large number of
   bushes have died and need to be replaced











   9. Replace dead/weak trees in planting strip along


   Estimated budget Euro 4,500

  Linked to the major problems with the irrigation
  system which does not function everywhere,
  a large number of trees have died and need to be


   10. Road Markings

   Estimated budget Euro 15,000. Was presented in the
   2021 budget proposal

   The roads throughout AH area need proper markings.
   The most dangerous area is through the ravine with
   many sharp turns and blind spots, where several
   near-miss accidents occur on a daily basis


   11. Design and build Park with playground on Eastern

   Estimated budget Euro 70,000. Was presented in the
   2021 budget proposal

   Located at the Eastern Plateau, where hundreds of
   people live or come for holidays. The area does not
   have any amenities, it is currently destroyed and
   children lack any place to play but either on the road
   or the golf field, neither of which is good

   12. Repair Nature Trail in the Ravine

   Estimated budget Euro 10,000. Was presented in the
   2021 budget proposal

   The Nature Trail has not been looked after for several
   years. It is in desperate need of cleaning and
   At present it represents significant health and fire
   (Possible cooperation with the Forestry Department) 


   13. Re-Install Benches along roads in specific places

   Estimated budget Euro 2,000

   Installation of benches, garbage bins and dog waste
   bins has been a part of the AH improvement plan.
   The works were carried out by a contractor with no
   supervision and no clear thinking of what needed to
   be done. Hence there is a need to make it right


   14. Water connection north of Orpheus Villa to the
   ravine road

   Estimated budget Euro 6,000

   Need to create a new loop thus giving an alternative
   supply of water to the Eastern Plateau.
   The loop will reduce the problems of reinstating
   supply to the Eastern Plateau and also the number
   of interruptions by being able to back feed water
   supply to the Hotel area

   15. Irrigation Controlers

   Estimated budget Euro 5,000
   The irrigation system is fundamental to the healthy
   growth of the bushes and trees on the Resort.
   Current system is almost entirely manual and
   outdated. The failure of the system is resulting in the
   expenditure to replace dead trees and bushes

• There are only 30 automatic switchers at A 
• There are around 200 manual control switchers at AH


  Green areas maintenance
 √ Roads and pavements cleaning
 √ Garbage and dog waste bins cleaning
 √ Necessary measures to prevent unauthorized parking, placement of skips, tree cuttings
 √ Upkeep of back road and road to Lakkos tou Frangou
 √ Fire prevention measures inside and around the boundaries of AH

       Recycling initiative comes to Aphrodite Hills

  • On December 13, 2021 a joint meeting between
    Kouklia, AH Management, AHRA and “Green Dot”
    was held in Aphrodite Hills
  • The initiative has a full moral and financial support
    from Kouklia
  • A new way of collecting household waste could be
    introduced to Aphrodite Hills in May-June 2022






 AHRA is working as ONE TEAM with Kouklia and Aphrodite Hills Management and this cooperation has started delivering benefits to all