
Dear Owners,

We would like to remind you that the upcoming Municipal elections will take place on the 9th of June from 07:00 in the morning until 18:00 in the afternoon. We are hoping that those who have applied for their voting books have already picked them up from our offices and are ready to cast their votes. After many years of being absent we now have a chance to have Aphrodite Hills representatives Mr. Zenon Papaloizou and Ms. Sophia Papaloizou to be voted into the Kouklia Council. We are sure that our representatives in the
Kouklia Council will be able to finally focus the Council’s attention on Aphrodite Hills.

For those eligible to vote, please make sure to visit the voting polls in Kouklia on the 9th June 2024. Kindly take note of the following information to ensure you are aware of what is needed and how to vote:


Enter Where And What do I vote to find out the location in Kouklia and what each person is eligible to vote. The result will be similar to :


In the forthcoming elections due to take place on the 9th of June 2024, you are voting:

At polling station Dimotiko Scholeio Kouklion – Primary School of Kouklia (CENTRE Α or B) for:

• Members of the European Parliament (up to 2 preference crosses) - Blue
• President of District Organization of Local Government: Pafos - Purple ballot
• Community Leader: Kouklia Pafou - Orange ballot
• Community Council Members: Kouklia Pafou (up to 4 preference crosses) -
Gray ballot

It is easy to find the location of the school – just put the name on the Google Maps.

Regarding the municipal councillors voting paper of Kouklia, it consists of 10 columns each column containing the names of the group.
Each voter can only vote up to four councillors on the same column by putting a cross or a tick on the box on the right of the councillor that he/she wishes to vote for. PLEASE do not put any marks in any other columns/places or your ballot will be VOID.

The  attached shows all the voting paper for the municipal councillors, Zenon Papaloizou (ΠΑΠΑΛΟΪΖΟΥ Ζήνων) and Sophia Papaloizou ( ΠΑΠΑΛΟΪΖΟΥ Σοφία) on Column 10, represent the two persons nominated from Aphrodite Hills.
Sophia’s votes will be transferred to Zenon in case the number of votes required are not enough to elect them both.