
Regarding yesterday's situation with the fire, a letter was sent today to the General Manager of the Aphrodite Hills resort.

"Good morning Andreas,

we had a terrible situation yesterday when there was a very large fire right next to Aphrodite Hills. It started soon after the fireworks and was spreading rapidly. There were hundreds of very scared residents and guests of the resort. I do believe we were all very lucky that the wind was blowing towards the sea and the fire did not spread into the resort. We are grateful to Dimitris for his efforts and for providing timely updates, but people are absolutely dismayed with the whole situation. On behalf of the residents of the resort AHRA is asking for:

1, the results of the ongoing investigation as to the cause of the fire and the measures taken to be reported to the residents in its next Resort Letter.
2, an immediate ban on all and any fireworks at the resort, regardless of whether it is a private function at a villa or on the resort grounds.
3, Kouklia Council to allocate funds and to start works ASAP on the fire protection zones around Aphrodite Hills.

The residents would very much appreciate a provision of timely information on this subject and are ready to provide full support. We must work together to protect our home Aphrodite Hills.

Kind regards,

Boris Zilbermints
AHRA Chairman"

"Dear Boris,

Good morning,
We all share your sentiments regarding the terrible situation we all went through yesterday at the Resort and feel very compassionated with the affected residents but also feel fortunate that no damage or injuries occured. We are also very grateful for the immediate response and efforts of Forest department, Fire brigade, AH security team, and AH staff who were standing alongside affected residents ready to defend them in case the fire moved towards their properties particularly in the Theseus and Alexander Heights villages.

Earlier this morning we have agreed a number of measures with the authorities and we will soon receive a letter from them which we will circulate.

Regarding your points:
1. The investigation is being handled by the police and no one else has authority to do so. Based on feedback the fire was caused by fireworks of a private party conducted by an authorised company. This particular fireworks company held relevant permit for yesterday’s event but apparently, they did not manage well.
2. I agree with you and will discontinue any fireworks plans going forward
3. Totally agree, but we shall wait first to receive instructions from Forest department as the perimeter area of the Resort is considered National park limiting our authority to intervene.

Kind Regards,
Andreas Chrysostomou
General Manager"