
Due to the adverse epidemiological situation that has been observed in Cyprus lately, in an attempt to contain the spread of coronavirus in the community, the presence in homes of persons other than permanent residents is prohibited, with effect as of today, 29 December 2020, 6 pm, until 10 January 2021.
Exceptions for the presence of non-permanent residents in houses are granted for the following purposes:
1. For providing care to minors and persons with disabilities for the period/duration in the case that the physical presence of parents is necessary at their workplace.
2. For the purpose of helping people who are unable to help themselves (medication, care of individuals, supply of food, etc). It is understood that such persons should take all personal protective measures and remain only for a reasonable period of time necessary for the care of the individual, so as not to endanger him/her.

It is clarified that only for 31st December 2020, the presence of persons other than permanent residents is permitted in a house, as long as the persons are only from two families and provided that the total number of persons in the house does not exceed 10 persons, including minors.
At the same time, it is reminded that the following restrictions remain in force in open public and private spaces:
1. Meetings other than two persons are prohibited, except for minor children accompanying their parents, in public and private meeting places, such as parks, squares, dams, picnic sites, beaches, pedestrian streets and marinas, etc.
2. Mass and other events, gatherings, demonstrations, parades, concerts, festivals, Christmas markets and similar events in public or private places are prohibited.

For the supervision of compliance with the Decrees, the competent authority is the Cyprus Police and citizens will be able to lodge complaints either by name or anonymously by reporting information on violations of Decrees, to the Unit established by the Cyprus Police for this purpose, at tel: 1460, 22 606 803 and 22 606 804.